Sitemap - 2020 - ExxonKnews

Exxon flexes its deception muscle with meaningless climate plan

An interview with Jamie Henn

A special message from Keith Ellison

Big Oil’s Hail Mary for the holiday season

Happy Thanksgiving from EXXONKNEWS!

An interview with Bill McKibben

It’s our very first EXXONKNEWSiversary!

Election week isn’t quite over yet, and neither is the fight to hold Big Oil accountable

Amy Coney Barrett and the oil money behind the curtain

The dark money front groups that do Big Oil’s dirty work

Maui makes waves and sues 20 oil and gas companies for climate damages

Top law firms are reaping the benefits of Big Oil’s climate destruction

Who’s gonna pay for that?

The Nutmeg State brings a spicy new lawsuit against ExxonMobil

If you didn’t get the memo, it’s Sue Big Oil Month

Charleston becomes the first Southern U.S. city to sue Big Oil

Almost eight years after Hurricane Sandy, Hoboken brings oil giants to court

As the nation reels from climate disasters, the RNC hands its platform over to Big Oil

What a Biden-Harris administration might mean for climate accountability

New Jersey isn’t missing the water, but the well is running dry

The sea is swallowing Miami, but Mario Ariza isn’t giving up on his city

Utilities are buying politicians to do their bidding. It’s costing taxpayers billions.

The desert is ablaze. Big Oil lit the match.

D.C. drags oil giants into court for climate denial and deception

Who hired the hackers targeting #ExxonKnew?

Minnesota climate accountability case pioneers new ground with old precedent

Exxon sued twice in two days: Minnesota and D.C. take on Big Oil over climate lies

When the next storm hits North Carolina, who will pay the price?

We analyzed Big Oil's tweets over six months. Turns out, they're full of it.

An interview with Bartees Strange

Nonprofit group takes Exxon to court for faking its environmental commitments

Communities across the globe shine the spotlight on Chevron

Big Oil could use the pandemic to get legal immunity from Congress

Caught between Boulder and a hard place, Colorado communities face down Exxon in court

New Jersey’s small towns are fed up with paying for fossil fuel industry crimes

Big Oil already devastated Louisiana. Now comes Trump and COVID-19.

COVID-19 is changing the media landscape on climate— hopefully for the better.

Big Oil had a pandemic party in the White House

Without federal aid, how will communities wrangle dual crises? 

A conversation with Alexander C. Kaufman

Accountability in the time of coronavirus

As climate and coronavirus converge, Honolulu files suit

Law students to law firms: kick Exxon to the curb or sashay away

There are 249 days until Election Day.

Exxon tells the courts that corporations are people too — and that the rest of us can eat cake

Voters see the climate crisis all around them — and believe it’s “man-made.” What now?

In California, communities are battling multi-billion-dollar companies in court

70,000 miles of rivers (and streams) run through it, and they’re flooding.

The kids lost this round in federal court. What does this mean for suing Big Oil?

Which Democratic candidates have the guts to take on Big Oil?

A conversation with Isaac Larkin

What’s the scoop on climate accountability in 2020?